
this is just a ratio keeper

Don’t let siloed
cybersecurity data
get in your way.

Dassana unlocks the power of a modern cybersecurity
mesh to extract vital insights from your myriad of IT security
tools, expediting time-to-remediation, enhancing the
productivity of security teams, and ultimately bolstering
the effectiveness of security controls.

this is just a ratio keeper

The wealth of security tools
has created new challenges.

Dassana revolutionizes the process of security data aggregation and normalization,
unlocking the real potential of your security tools and taking your security operations to new heights

this is just a ratio keeper

Break down
your data silos and
say goodbye to


“Organizations adopting a cybersecurity mesh architecture will reduce the financial impact of security incidents by an average of 90%.”

Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2022: Cybersecurity Mesh

this is just a ratio keeper


Unlock the power of a
modern cybersecurity mesh.

Leveraging the Dassana Cybersecurity Mesh Control Panel, users can gain access
to self-service analytics or run native apps that help mitigate risks and enhance resilience.

this is just a ratio keeper
this is just a ratio keeper

Take your cybersecurity
practices to new heights.

Meet Dassana’s native app that helps you to expedite time-to-remediation,
enhance the productivity of your security teams, and ultimately bolster
the effectiveness of your security controls



See it for yourself.

Unlock the power of a cybersecurity mesh to mitigate risk,
enhance your security team's productivity, and ultimately enhance your cyber resiliency.